DhG2 commands are described here in alphabetical order.
You can abbreviate commands using sufficient leading characters to identify the command uniquely. If what you type is not unique, DhG2 gives you a list of the commands that match.
When a command expects a PERSON as its parameter, you can specify the person by their unique identifier, either as a bare number or enclosed in brackets.
You can also specify a person by parts of a name. Any person whose name contains all the specified parts is considered as a match. If there is more than one match, the command displays a list of matching persons along with their identifiers and dates. You can then retype the command using the identifier.
The ancestors command displays an ancestry tree (also known as an Ahnentafel) for the specified person.
The depth of the tree is limited to the value of the depth configuration parameter.
The clearprivacy command clears the calculated privacy of all persons in the database.
Calculating the privacy status for every person in a large database can be a time-consuming process, so the value for each individual is only calculated when needed. The calculated value is then stored and used when subsequently needed.
However, explicitly changing a person’s privacy by setting the person to private or deleting their death record might affect other persons’ status too. The clearprivacy command clears and the caclulated privacy values and forces a recalculation the next time they are needed.
The descendants command displays a descendants tree for the specified person.
The depth of the tree is limited to the value of the depth configuration parameter.
The edit command invokes your configured editor to edit the card file of the specified person.
The family command displays the immediate family - parents, siblings and children - of the specified person.
The find command displays a list of persons that match the given parameters.
search is an alias for find.
The gedimport command imports a GEDCOM file into an empty database. The command allows you to use the query and HTML generation features of DhG2 on the contents of an existing GEDCOM file. However, importing a GEDCOM file into an existing database is not supported. Neither is it possible to save the imported database into a set of card files.
If you use the new command after importing a GEDCOM file, the new person is added to the database as a card file. This means that you can no longer use the gedimport command unless you manually delete the card files that you created.
Caveat: The gedimport command was written with a specific GEDCOM file in mind. It might not work with other GEDCOM files from different sources.
ha is an alias for htmlancestors.
hc is an alias for htmlcard.
hd is an alias for htmldescendants.
The heads command displays a list of all the patriarchs and/or matriarchs in the database. A patriarch (male) or matriarch (female) is defined as a person whose parents AND whose spouse’s parents are not recorded in the database.
The help command provides the built-in documentation.
hi is an alias for htmlindex.
The htmlancestors command creates an ancestors tree
(also known as an Ahnentafel) in HTML format for the specified person or
persons. The HTML file is called FULLNAME-ID-ancestors.html
and is placed in the trees/
subdirectory of the configured
HTML directory.
ha is an alias for htmlancestors.
The htmlcard command creates an information card in
HTML format for the specified person or persons. The HTML file is called
and is placed in the
subdirectory of the configured HTML directory.
hc is an alias for htmlcard.
The htmldescendants command creates a descendants
tree in HTML format for the specified person or persons. The HTML file
is called FULLNAME-ID-descendants.html
and is placed in the
subdirectory of the configured HTML directory.
hd is an alias for htmldescendants.
The htmlindex command creates an index to the HTML card files in HTML format.
hi is an alias for htmlindex.
The list command lists all the persons in the database. It ignores any parameters that you type.
list is equivalent to find with no parameters.
The new command creates a card file for a new person and loads the new file into memory.
The NAME parameter is the full name of the person as normally written. DhG2 automatically assigns a unique ID for the person.
The new file is placed into the appropriate surname directory in the database, optionally under the current branch. See the configuration guide for details.
The quit command closes DhG2.
The reload command reloads the entire database from the card files into memory.
Normally you should not need to do this. The command is useful if you edit many card files outside of a running DhG2 process.
Hint: if you edit a single card file it might be quicker just to open the file within DhG2 and close it without making changes.
search is an alias for find.
The set command sets the configuration variable NAME to VALUE.
NAME can be any sequence of characters starting with a non-space character, except “cfgfile”.
Spaces immediately before and after the ‘=’ sign are ignored, as are any trailing spaces at the end of the line. Quotation marks around VALUE are removed after the leading and trailing spaces have been removed, so if you want to set a value containing a leading or trailing space, use quotation marks.
If used without parameters, set displays the name of the configuration file followed by all the configuration variables that have been set, in alphabetical order.
See the configuration guide for details of the configuration variables that DhG2 uses.
The shell command invokes a program from your computer’s operating system using the specified COMMANDLINE. The current working directory (cwd) of the program is the same as the cwd in which DhG2 was originally invoked.
COMMANDLINE is passed to the shell interpreter exactly as you type it, so you can use output and input redirection.
! is an alias for shell.
The showprivacy command shows the privacy status of a specified person.
The timeline command displays the timeline for the specified person.
tl is an alias for timeline.
The unused command provides a list of all the unused unique identifiers up to the highest known identifier that is used.
The verify command verifies that all persons that are referenced in the database actually exist and have the same name as the reference. The verification applies to parents, spouses and partners but not to other people like witnesses, where the name given in the record might differ from their official name.
The vi command edits a person’s card file using the
editor. The vi
program must be present in
your shell’s search path.
to edit the specified person’s card.The vim command edits a person’s card file using the
editor. The vim
program must be present in
your shell’s search path.
to edit the specified person’s card.! is an alias for shell.
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