DhG2 has an internal set of configuration variables that it uses to modify its functionality.
The configuration file contains a list of statements that assign initial values to internal variables used by DhG2.
You use the “set” command at the prompt to change the values during a DhG2 session. The values assigned by the “set” command are discarded when you close DhG2.
The “set” command is described in the command reference.
The configuration file is a text file whose name and location you can provide when you invoke DhG2. If no file is explicitly given, DhG2 uses ~/.DhG/config.
The configuration file is a plain text file. DhG2 ignores blank lines and lines that start with a “#” character, so you can add comments.
Assignments are lines of the form “<name> = <value>” where <name> is the name of the variable and <value> is the value you wish to assign.
Leading and trailing spaces are removed from both name and value.
Optionally, you can surround the value with quotation marks. This is useful if you want a leading or trailing space in the value.
The name of the variable can be any sequence of characters. DhG2 doesn’t check the name, so you can define your own variables. The complete set of variables gets passed to the template engine.
There is only one mandatory configuration variables: db_dir. The rest are optional and have reasonable default values.
There’s an minimal configuration file (minimal.cfg) and a comprehensive configuration file (example.cfg) in the DhG2 installation directory.
The configuration variables that control the general functionality of DhG2 are described in alphabetical order in the following sections.
The branch variable specifies which subdirectory of the database directory is to be used for new cards created by the “new” command. In effect, using branch creates an extra level subdirectory level in the database, which might be useful if you research several different but interconnected family trees.
If the branch variable is empty or not set, the surname directories are placed directly under the database directory.
This isn’t a true configuration variable but it gets displayed when you use the “set” command with no parameters. It contains the location of the configuration file.
To set this variable you must use the command line option, either “-c” or “–config”. You cannot set it from within the program.
The dateformat variable controls what date format DhG2 uses for interactive queries.
Recognised values are raw, cooked, yearonly. The default is raw.
The db_dir variable specifies the location of the database of card files. DhG2 searches for card files in the entire directory tree that is rooted at db_dir.
db_dir must be set in the configuration file, otherwise DhG2 cannot load the database.
You can change db_dir using the “set” command, but if you do, you must reload the database to synchronise DhG2 with the new database, otherwise the unique identifiers of new individuals might be assigned incorrectly. It is therefore not recommended to change db_dir in that way.
The maximum depth that DhG2 descends when displaying family trees. You must set the value of this parameter to a number.
The default value is 999999.
The editor variable specifies which text editor DhG2 invokes when you use the “edit” command.
The default editor is vi. Choose an editor that you are comfortable with. On a Linux host you might choose nano or gedit, perhaps.
DhG2 is suspended while the editor is running. If the editor runs in the same terminal window (e.g. nano) this behaviour is normal. If the editor opens a new window (e.g. gedit) then DhG2 displays a message “Editing <filename>”. The prompt reappears when you close the editor.
The father variable is used by the “new” command to assign a parent to a new individual.
The default value is not set.
If the father variable is not set or is an empty string, the “new” command does not assign a father.
The mother variable is used by the “new” command to assign a parent to a new individual.
The default value is not set.
If the mother variable is not set or is an empty string, the “new” command does not assign a mother.
The prompt variable is what DhG2 displays when is is ready to accept a command.
The default value is “(DhG)”.
The tmpl_path variable is a list of locations that DhG2 searches for templates. The locations must be separated by colon (‘:’) characters.
Normally, the template directly in the DhG2 installation is the last in the list. If you have any customised templates, put them in a directory that appears before the installation templates.
The default value of tmpl_path is “~/.DhG/templates:/path/to/DhG2/templates”. This means DhG2 first looks in the same place as the default configuration file and then in the installation directory.
The variables described in this section only affect the generation of HTML files.
The card_path variable controls where DhG2 places the generated HTML card files for individuals.
If card_path is not set or is empty, the files are placed into a cards/ subdirectory of the the directory specified by html_dir.
The generate variable controls how DhG2 generates HTML pages. The recognised values are “public” and “private”.
If generate is set to “public”, DhG2 generates HTML files for publication. Individuals that are determined to be “private” are omitted from the generated files.
If generate is set to “private”, a complete set of HTML files is generated, including all living individuals and their immediate relatives.
The html_dir variable controls where DhG2 places the generated HTML files.
The surname index is placed directly into this directory. Ancestor and descendant trees are placed in a trees/ subdirectory. HTML card files for indiviuals are placed in a cards/ subdirectory unless card_path is set.
If html_dir is not set, DhG2 places the HTML files in the current working directory. If the cwd is the same as the database, the generated HTML files mingle with the cards database.
The server_path variable specifies the root URL of the family tree directory as seen from the HTTP server. It is used in order to generate correct links in the HTML pages.
The text-suffix variable specifies the suffix (“extension”) of transcript files to consider for inclusion in generated HTML cards.
The text_path variable specifies where DhG2 searches for textual transcripts of documents.
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