The Lancashireman's family history |
In the Name of God Amen
I Thomas Butson of Thwaite in the Parish of Grinton and County of York, Miner, Being of sound and disposeing mind memory and under =standing but mindful of my mortality do, this Fourteenth day of August One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven, make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
That is to say.
I Give Devise and Bequeath To my Son Peter Butson my Freehold Land Situate Close by the Vilage of Weststonesdale and also my Copyhold Land ajoining and One Dwelling House and Stable which I have Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor to the Use of my Will, To him his heirs or Assigns forever he my said Son Peter Butson to pay One Hundred Pounds to Christopher Tydeman which is owing to him, And also One Hundred Pounds to Susannah Raw, And also Forty Pounds (which I have paid for him to John Metcalfe). To my Executors hereinafter named to go to the resedurey Effects as Directed.
I also Give Devise and Bequeath to my Son Thomas Butson my Freehold and Copyholds Lands situate on the Blackmoreside with in the Territories of Weststonsdale with One Dwelling house thereon which I have Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor to the Use of my Will, Now in his own Occupation. To him his heirs or Assigns forever. He my said Son Thomas Butson to pay to Christopher Alderson One Hundred Pounds which I borrowed of him
I also Give Devise and Bequeath to my Son John Butson my Copyhold Land known by the name of Dungeon and Wood Situate within the Territories of Thwaite and Smith Intacks Situate within the Territories of Muker And also One Dwelling House and Garden Situate at Thwaite now Lett to E.A.Knowles for a Stocking Shop which I have surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor to the Use of my Will He my said Son John Butson paying to my Son Francis Garth Butson Eighty Pounds and also Sixty Pounds to my Executors to go to the Resedury Effects as hereinafter directed
I also Give and Bequeath to my Son Francis Garth Butson my Dwell =ing House in which I now live with the Garden and Carthouse ajoining and One Close called Lile Ing with a Co house thereon which I have Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor to the Use of my Will To him his heirs or Assigns forever.
And Lastly, I give unto Richard Garth of Crackpott in the Parish of Grinton and County of York, Yeoman and Edmund Alderson Knowles of Thwaite in the said Parish and County, Hoseier, All and Singular the Rest Resedue and remainder of my Effects whatsoever and whereso ever to them the Survivor of them and the Executor or Administrators of such Survivor Upon Trust to Sell in order to raise Mony for the pay= ment of my Debts and and of the Several Legacies contained herein, And may with all convinient Speed Bargain Sell and Alien in Fee Simple All those Copyhold and Freehold Lands and Premises, Situate at Frith in the Township of Weststonsdale now in the Occupation of Christopher Cherry And also the remainder of my Copyhold Lands Situate at Thwaite in the Manor of Muker now in the Occupation of William Harker And also my Copyhold Houses with the Appurtinances situate at Reeth in the Manor of Healaugh And to Collect the profitts thereof. To, For and upon the following Uses.
And first I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Mary Butson One Hundred and Fifty Pounds to be paid her as soon as may be after my Deceace with the Bed in the East Parlour Chamber and the Beding which first belonged too it
I also give and Bequeath to my Daughter Margaret Butson One Hundred Pounds with Intreast of the same to be paid her yearly till she attains the Age of 21 years and then to receive the Principle But if she Dies before she attains the Age of 21 years then to Sink into the Resedury Effects.
I also Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Dorothy Butson One Hundred and Fifty Pounds with Intreast to be paid her Yearly till she attains the age of 21 Years and then to receive the principle. But if she dies before she attains the age of 21 years then to Sink into the Resedury Effects
I also Give to my Executors and Trustees herein before names Five Guines each for the trouble they may have in Executeing this my Will
It is also my Will and desire with the Consent of Mrs Sarah George Widow of the Late Sampson George Esq'r. my Partner in two Colliery Leases that the said Collieries may be carried on by the Directions of my son Peter Butson but the Banksmen to bring the mony to my Widow Betty Butson so long as she remains my Widow after the Pitsmens wages are paid every week and she to keep the Accounts in the same manner as they have been keeped and remit to the said Sarah George her Share of the Profitts as often as convinient and my share every year when the Accounts is made out at Candlemas to be divided by my Executors amongst all my Son's and Daughters Share and Share alike The Son's and Daughters of my late Daughter Peggy Knowles to have their Mothers Share the same as if she had been living and to be divided amongst them share and share alike.
I also Give to my Executors in trust all my Share of Lead Mines and the Profits if any arrise to be added to the Resedurey Effects
I also Give to my Son Thomas Butson the Clock which is in the Kitchen and the Blue Chest. My Son John Butson to have the Bed in the West Parlour Chamber.
I also Give to my dear and loving Wife One Cow she to choose which she likes best, And Also the Use of the Houseold Furniture During her Natural life if she remains unmarried but at her Marriage or Death my Son Francis Garth Butson to have all the Furniture in the West Parlour, The Silver Tankard Encluded and my Daughter Margaret Butson to have the remainder of the Furniture whatsoever and wheresoever
I Give all the Rest Resedue and remainder of my Estate what- soever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or quality soever the same may be and not herein before given and disposed off after payment of my Debts and Funeral Expences and the Expence of Proving this Will to be Sold or Divided amongst my Children at the Deceresion of my Executrix and Executors Share and Share alike. The Sons and Daughters of my late Daughter Peggy Knowles to have their Mother's Share
And I do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint my said Wife Betty Butson, the said Richard Garth and the said Edmund Alderson Knowles, Executrix and Executor's of
of this my Last Will and Testament
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal the day and year first before Written
Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the said Testator Thomas Butson as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto
Tho Butson [seal]
Edmd Milner
William Kearton
Jonathan hunter
On which day personally appeared before Me the within named Executrix and Executors and were sworn duly to administer the Goods Chattels and Credits of the within named deceased and that at the time of his Decease they did not to the best of their Knowledge and belief amount to the Sum of [scribbled out] Four hundred and Fifty Pounds.
C. Bradshaw[?] Surrogate
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