The Lancashireman's family history

Red rose of Lancashire

Mary Alderson

(1836 - 1897)

Father: Simon Alderson (abt.1813 - ?)
Mother: Elizabeth Alderson (abt.1814 - ?)



With John Metcalfe Butson With John Kilburn


Date Event Information Sources
1836-08-18 Birth
  • Baptism record
  • Estimated from marriage record
1836-09-25 Baptism
  • Place: Keld Independent Chapel
  • Parish register:  F1  T1
1851-03-30 Census
  • Abode: Keld, Yorkshire
  • Age: 14
  • Birthplace: Keld, Yorkshire
  • Census record HO107-2380-229-5:  F2  F3  T2
abt.1863-08 Marriage
John Metcalfe Butson (abt.1833 - 1866)
  • Place: St Mary, Muker
  • Age: 27
  • Abode: Keld
  • Witness: Ralph Alderson
  • Witness: Margaret Isabella Butson
  • GRO index:  F4  F5  T3
  • yorkshirebmd:  T4
  • BUXTON BMDs Swaledale:  F6  T5
  • Parish register (banns):  F7  T6
1871-04-02 Census
  • Abode: Joiners Arms Inn, Thwaite, Yorkshire
  • Age: 34
  • Occupation: Housekeeper
  • Birthplace: Muker, Yorkshire
  • Census record RG10-4872-19-17:  F8  F9  T7
1874-04-04 Marriage
John Kilburn (1841 - 1924)
  • Place: St Mary, Muker
  • Age: 37
  • Abode: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Witness: John Alderson
  • Witness: Amelia Alderson
  • yorkshirebmd:  T8
  • BUXTON-BMDs-Swaledale:  F10  T9
  • Parish register:  F11  T10
1881-04-03 Census
  • Abode: Keld, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Age: 45
  • Occupation: Farmer's wife
  • Birthplace: Keld, Muker, Yorkshire
1891-04-05 Census
  • Abode: Angram, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Age: 54
  • Birthplace: Muker, Yorkshire
1897-11-29 Death

Transcripts of sources

Ref. Transcript
These are to Certify, That Mary
Daughter of Simon Alderson and of Elizabeth his
Wife, was born in Keld [Sept 18th struck out] in the Parish of
Muker, Swaledale in the County of York 1836
the 25th Day of September in the year one thousand
eight hundred and Thirty size
Registered by me, Edw'd Stillman  Protestant Dissenting Minister
Baptized Saptember 25 1836
HO107 Piece 2380 Folio 229 Page 5

Parish or Township of Muker
Village of Thorns & Keld

Schedule 20  Keld

Simon Alderson        Head  Mar  38     Engine Tenter Landowner Farming 10 acres  Yorks Keld Muker
Elizabeth [Alderson]  Wife  Mar     37  do  Wife                                  Westmoreland Mallerstang
Mary [Alderson]       Daur  Un      14                                            Yorkshire Keld Muker
Ralph [Alderson]      Son   -    11     Scholar                                   [Yorkshire Keld Muker]
James [Alderson]      Son   -    3                                                [Yorkshire Keld Muker]

Transcribed from YRKHO107_2380_2380-0460.jpg by dh

Marriages Jul, Aug and Sep 1863
BUTSON  John Metcalfe  Reeth  9d 697
ALDERSON  Mary         Reeth  9d 697
BUTSON  John M  ALDERSON  Mary  1863  Muker, St Mary, Ripon  Yorkshire  Harrogate  C24RI/1/224
Muker 1863-09-05
John Metcalfe  Butson  BUXTON    b  30  Joiner  Thwaite  Francis  Joiner
Mary  Alderson         ALDERSON  s  27          Keld     Simon    Lead Miner
Ralph  Alderson  Margaret Isabella  Butson
[St Mary, Muker]
Page 66  (The Year 1863)
No. 229
Banns of Marriage between John Metcalfe Butson, Bachelor
and Mary Alderson, Spinster, both of this Chapelry
were published on the Three Sundays underwritten;
That is to say, On Sunday the 16th Day of August 1863
                On Sunday the 23rd Day of August 1863
                On Sunday the 30th Day of August 1863
1871 census RG10 Piece 4872 Folio 19 Page 17

Civil Township of Muker
Village of Thwaite
Ecclesiastical District of [Grinton struck out] Muker

Schedule 79  Thwaite

Elizabeth Butson          Head    Unmar     44  Housekeeper                     Yorks Muker
Margaret Isabella Butson  Sister  Unmar     28  Dressmaker                      [Yorks Muker]

Schedule 80  Joiners Arms Inn

Ralph Alderson            Head    Unmar  31     Innkeeper & Farmer of 22 acres  Yorks Muker
Mary Butson               Sister  Widow     34  Housekeeper                     [Yorks Muker]

Transcribed from Census-1871-RG10-4872-19-17.jpg by dh

Marriage:  KILBURN  John  BUTSON  Mary  1874  Muker, St Mary, Richmond  Yorkshire  Harrogate  C24RI/1/279
Mu  1874  4  4  John  Kilburn  KILBURN  wid  33  Farmer  Hoggarths  William         Farmer
                Mary  Butson   BUXTON   wid  37          Thwaite    Simon ALDERSON  Farmer
Witnesses       John  Alderson  Amelia  Alderson
Page 140.
1874. Marriage solemnized at the District Chapel in the Chapelry of Muker in the County of York
231  4th April  John Kilburn      33  Widower   Farmer  Hoggarths  William Kilburn  Farmer
      1874      Margaret Vickers  37  Widow     Farmer  Thwaite    Simon Alderson   Farmer

Married in the District Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England after Banns
by me, J. Caldwell  Incumbent

This Marriage   {  John Kilburn  }  in the    {  John Alderson
was solemnized  {                }  Presence  {
between us,     {  Mary Butson   }  of us,    {  Amelia Alderson
1881 census RG11 Piece 4877 Folio 16 Page 11

Civil Parish or Township of Muker
City or Municipal Borough of 
Municipal Ward of 
Parliamentary Borough of 
Town or Village or Hamlet of Keld & Thorns
Urban Sanitary District of 
Rural Sanitary District of Reeth
Ecclesiastical Parish or District of Muker St Mary

Schedule 56  Keld

John Kilburn      Head  Mar  40     General Labrour & Farmer of 16 acres  Yorks Muker
Mary Kilburn      Wife  Mar     45  Farmers wife                          Yorks Muker Keld
John Kilburn      Son        6      Scholar                               Yorks Muker Keld
Simon Kilburn     Son        3                                            Yorks Muker Keld
Margaret Kilburn  Daur          1                                         Yorks Muker Keld

Transcribed from gbc_1881_4362206_00187.jpg by dh

1891 census  RG12 Piece 4034 Folio 12 Page 5

Administrative County of 
Civil Parish of Muker
Municipal Borough of 
Municipal Ward of 
Urban Sanitary District of 
Town or Village or Hamlet of Angram
Rural Sanitary District of Reeth
Parliamentary Borough or Division of Richmond
Ecclesiastical Parish or District of St Mary's

Schedule 28

John Kilburn      Head  M  50     Farmer        Yorks; Muker
Mary Kilburn      Wife  M     54                Yorks; Muker
John Kilburn      Son   S  16     Farmer's Son  Yorks; Muker
Simon Kilburn     Son   S  13     Farmer's Son  Yorks; Muker
Margaret Kilburn  Daur        11  Scholar       Yorks; Muker

Transcribed from NRYRG12_4032_4036-0335.jpg and gbc_1891_4034_0024.jpg by dh

KILBURN, MARY       61
GRO Reference: 1897  D Quarter in REETH  Volume 09D  Page 421
Peace Perfect Peace
In Loving Memory of
John Kilburn
late of Angram
who died January 7th 1924
aged 82
Also of Mary his beloved Wife
died November 29th 1897
aged 61 years

File sources

Ref. Type File name
F1 Image TNA_RG4_3232_0_0093.jpg
F2 Image YRKHO107_2380_2380-0460.jpg
F3 Transcript Census-1851-HO107-2380-229-5-S20-Alderson.text
F4 Image 1863M3-B-0297.jpg
F5 Image 1863M3-A-0014.jpg
F6 Transcript BUXTON BMDs Swaledale.xls
F7 Image GBPRS_YORKSHIRE_004003802_00568.jpg
F8 Image Census-1871-RG10-4872-19-17.jpg
F9 Transcript Census-1871-RG10-4872-19-17-S79-Butson-S80-Alderson.text
F10 Transcript BUXTON-BMDs-Swaledale.xls
F11 Image gbprs_yorkshire_13-0743_gb-yor_parish-registers-n-pr-muk-1-13-1537-1900_00141.jpg
F12 Image NRYRG11_4876_4882-0184.jpg
F13 Image gbc_1881_4362206_00187.jpg
F14 Transcript Census-1881-RG11-4877-16-11-Kilburn.text
F15 Transcript Census-1881-RG11-4877-16-11-KILBURN-John.pdf
F16 Image NRYRG12_4032_4036-0335.jpg
F17 Image gbc_1891_4034_0024.jpg
F18 Transcript Census-1891-RG12-4034-12-5-Kilburn.text
F19 Image Gravestone-Muker-JohnKilburn.jpg

Last updated 2025-03-16 10:27 UTC
© David Haworth
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