The Lancashireman's family history

Red rose of Lancashire

Emily Butson

(1885 - ?)

Father: William Robinson Butson (1856 - ?)
Mother: Frances Barber (abt.1855 - ?)





Date Event Information Sources
abt.1885-05 Birth
  • GRO index (online):  T1
1891-04-05 Census
  • Census record RG12-3638-26-10:  F1  F2  T2
1901-03-31 Census
  • Census record RG13-4165-57-24:  F3  F4  T3
1911-04-02 Census
  • Abode: Horton, Bradford
  • Age: 26
  • Birthplace: Leeds, Yorkshire
  • Census record RG14PN26818-RD498-SD4-ED8-SN260
  • familysearch:  Link
  • familysearch:  Link  T4
    • Note: The two separate URLs appear to be the result of a filing error. The transcript here is a combination of the two with additional information from the FMP search results.
? Death
  • Assumed; date not known

Transcripts of sources

Ref. Transcript
GRO Reference: 1885  J Quarter in LEEDS  Volume 09B  Page 404
1891 census  RG12 Piece 3638 Folio 26 Page 10

Administrative County of Bradford [York struck out]
Civil Parish of Horton
Municipal Borough of Bradford
Municipal Ward of Great Horton
Urban Sanitary District of Bradford
Town or Village or Hamlet of Bradford
Rural Sanitary District of Bradford
Parliamentary Borough or Division of Bradford (West)
Ecclesiastical Parish or District of St. Andrew's

Schedule 61  23 Poplar St  Off Princeville St Legrams Lane  4 rooms occupied

William Butson          Head         M  35     Sawyer in Wood                   Leeds, Yorkshire
Frances Butson          Wife         M     35                                   Leeds, Yorkshire
Elizabeth Ellen Butson  Daur         S     15  Worsted Spinner                  Bradford, Yorkshire
Ada Butson              Daur         S     13  Scholar                          Bradford, Yorkshire
Aaron Butson            Son          S  11     Doffer in Worsted Spinning Mill  Bradford, Yorkshire
Sarah Ann Butson        Daur         S     10  Worsted Spinner                  Bradford, Yorkshire
William Butson          Son          S  7      Scholar                          Leeds, Yorkshire
Emily Butson            Daur         S     6   Scholar                          Leeds, Yorkshire
Thomas Butson           Son          S  4      Scholar                          Bradford, Yorkshire
Frances Mable Butson    Daur         S     2                                    Bradford, Yorkshire
John Butson             Son          S   1mo                                    Bradford, Yorkshire
Ellen Butson            Mother       Wid   68  Living on Sons earnings          Cousterdill, Yorkshire
Joseph Roberts          Adopted Son  S   15    Doffer in Worsted Spinning Mill  Leeds, Yorkshire

Transcribed from gbc_1891_3638_0055.jpg by dh

1901 census  RG13 Piece 4165 Folio 57 Page 24

Administrative County [Yorkshire struck out] Bradford
Civil Parish Part of Bradford
Ecclesiastical Parish Part of St Andrews
County Borough, Municipal Borough or Urban District Part of Bradford
Ward of Municipal Borough or of Urban District Part of Great Horton
Rural District of 
Part of Shipley Division
Parliamentary Borough or Division Part of Western Bradford
Town or Village or Hamlet of 

Schedule 163  47 Glendaire Road

William Butson    Head           M     45     Gardener             Own account  Yorkshire Leeds
Frances Butson    Wife           M        45                                    Yorkshire Leeds
Aaron Butson      Son            S     21     General Carter       Worker       Yorkshire Bradford
Sarah Ann Butson  Daur           S        20  Pin Setter           Worker       Yorkshire Bradford
William Butson    Son            S     17     Warp Dyers Labourer  Worker       Yorkshire Leeds
Emily Butson      Daur           S        16  Worsted Spinner      Worker       Yorkshire Leeds
Thomas Butson     Son            S     14     Worsted Spinner      Worker       Yorkshire Bradford
Frances M Butson  Daur           S        12  Worsted Spinner      Worker       Yorkshire Bradford
John Butson       Son            S     10                                       Yorkshire Bradford
Kate Butson       Daur           S        8                                     Yorkshire Bradford
Joseph Roberts    Adopted Son    S     25     Machine Wool Carder  Worker       Yorkshire Leeds
John Barber       Father in law  Widr  72                                       Yorkshire Leeds

Transcribed from gbc_1901_4164-4165_0451.jpg by dh

RG14PN26818-RD498-SD4-ED8-SN260  Bradford  Horton

William Butson  Head  55  Market Gardener               Leeds, Yorkshire     British B P
Frances Butson  Wife  55                                Leeds, Yorkshire     British B P
Joseph Roberts        35  Cardroom Worker Wool Combing  Leeds, Yorkshire     British B P
William Butson  Son   27  Wool Comb Minder              Leeds, Yorkshire     British B P
Emily Butson    Daur  26                                Leeds, Yorkshire     British B P
John Butson     Son   20  Wool Comb Jobber              Bradford, Yorkshire  British B P
Kate Butson     Daur  18  False Hair Maker Up           Bradford, Yorkshire  British B P

File sources

Ref. Type File name
F1 Image gbc_1891_3638_0055.jpg
F2 Transcript Census-1891-RG12-3638-26-10-Butson.text
F3 Image gbc_1901_4164-4165_0451.jpg
F4 Transcript Census-1901-RG13-4165-57-24-S163-Butson.text

Last updated 2025-03-16 10:29 UTC
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