The Lancashireman's family history

Red rose of Lancashire

Francis Garth Butson

(abt.1836 - 1907)

Father: Francis Garth Butson (1801 - 1869)
Mother: Isabella Metcalfe (abt.1806 - 1864)



With Mary Coates


Date Event Information Sources
abt.1836 Birth
  • Place: Muker, Yorkshire
  • Estimated from baptism
1836-11-14 Baptism
  • Place: St Mary, Muker, Yorkshire
  • IGI:  T1
    • OldURL:
  • Parish register:  F1  T2
1841-06-07 Census
  • Abode: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Age: 4
  • Birthplace: Yorkshire
  • Census record HO107-1246-3-21-9:  F2  F3  T3
1851-04-07 Census
  • Abode: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Age: 14
  • Birthplace: Thwaite, Yorkshire
  • Census record HO107-2380-250-16:  F4  F5  T4
1861-04-07 Census
  • Abode: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Age: 24
  • Occupation: Joiner
  • Birthplace: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Census record RG09-3672-19-17:  F6  F7  F8  T5
1865-10-19 Marriage
Mary Coates (1841 - ?)
  • Place: St Mary, Muker
  • Age: 28
  • Abode: Thwaite
  • Occupation: Joiner
  • Witness: William Milner Butson
    • Uniq: 52
  • Witness: Margaret Isabella Butson
    • Uniq: 59
  • yorkshirebmd:  T6
  • freebmd:  T7
  • Parish register (banns):  F9  T8
  • Parish register:  F10  T9
1871-04-02 Census
  • Abode: Thwaite, Yorkshire
  • Age: 34
  • Occupation: Joiner
  • Birthplace: Muker, Yorkshire
  • Census record RG10-4872-18-16:  F11  F12  T10
1881-04-03 Census
  • Age: 44
  • Abode: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Occupation: Joiner
  • Birthplace: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
1891-04-05 Census
  • Abode: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Age: 54
  • Occupation: Joiner and carpenter
  • Birthplace: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
1901-03-31 Census
  • Abode: Thwaite, Muker, Yorkshire
  • Age: 64
  • Occupation: Joiner and wheelwright
  • Birthplace: Muker, Yorkshire
1907-01-21 Death
  • Age: 70

Transcripts of sources

Ref. Transcript
Christening: 14 NOV 1836 Muker, Yorkshire, England
P007761 1638 - 1670 942.74 G4 V26C Book 1235449 Film
Page 115.  BAPTISMS solemnized in the Chapelry of Muker in the County of York in the Year 1836
1836 Nov'r 14th No. 913.  Francis Garth  Francis Garth & Isabella  Butson  Thwaite  Publican  R. Lowther
1841 census HO107 piece 1246 book 3 folio 21 page 9

City of Borough of [blank]
Chapelry of Muker (part of)


Francis Butson    40     Publican  Y _
Isabella Butson      35            Y _
Elizabeth Butson     14            Y _
Thomas Butson     10               Y _
John Butson       8                Y _
Francis Butson    4                Y _
Ann Fothergill       16  F.S.      Y _
William Milner    50     Agl Lab   Y _

Transcribed from Census-1841-HO107-1246-3-21-9.jpeg by dh

1851 census HO107 piece 2380 folio 250 page 16

Parish or Township of Muker
Ecclesiastical District of [blank]
City or Borough of [blank]
Town of [blank]
Village of Thwaite

Schedule 60   Thwaite

Francis Garth Butson  Head  Mar  50     Joiner farming 35 A   Yorks Thwaite
Isabela Butson        Wife  Mar     44  Farmers Joiners Wife  Westmoreland
Elizabeth Butson      Dau   U       24  Dau at Home           Yorks Thwaite
Thomas Butson         Son   U    19     Joiner                Yorks Thwaite
John Butson           Son   U    17     Joiner                Yorks Thwaite
Fr Garth Butson       Son   U    14     Scholar               Yorks Thwaite
Margaret Butson       Dau           8   Scholar               Yorks Thwaite
Wm Miller Butson      Son        4      Scholar               Yorks Thwaite

Transcribed from Census-1851-HO107-2380-250-16.jpeg by dh

1861 census RG09 piece 3672 folio 19 page 17

Parish or Township of Muker
City or Municipal Borough of [blank]
Municipal Ward of [blank]
Parliamentary Borough of [blank]
Town of [blank]
Hamlet or Tything, &c, of Thwaite
Ecclesiastical District of Muker

Schedule 91   Thwaite

Francis Garth Butson      Head         Mar  60     Joiner & Farming 35 acres of Land  Yorkshire Thwaite
Isabella Butson           Wife         Mar     54                                     Westmorland Mallerstang
Elizabeth Butson          Daur         Un      34                                     Yorkshire Thwaite
John Metcalf Butson       Son          Un   27     Joiner                             Yorkshire Thwaite
Francis Garth Butson      Son          Un   24     Joiner                             Yorkshire Thwaite
Margaret Isabella Butson  Daur         Un      18                                     Yorkshire Thwaite
William Milner Butson     Son          Un   16     Employed on the Farm               Yorkshire Thwaite
Thomas Butson             Son          Mar  30     Joiner - Visitor                   Thwaite
Elizabeth Butson          Daur in Law  Mar     27           Visitor                   Yorkshire Weststonsdale
Francis Garth Butson      Grandson     Un   3                                         Yorks Arkingarthdale

Transcribed from Census-1861-RG09-3672-19-17.ancestry.jpeg
             and Census-1861-RG09-3672-19-17.jpeg by dh

BUTSON  Francis G  COATES  Mary  Muker, St Mary, Ripon  Harrogate  C24RI/1/233
Marriages Dec 1865
Butson  Francis Garth  Reeth  9d 1087
Coates  Mary           Reeth  9d 1087
Page 68  (The Year 1865)
No. 237
Banns of Marriage between Francis Garth Butson, Bachelor
Mary Coates Spinster both of this Chapellry
were published on the Three Sundays underwritten ;
That is to say, On Sunday the 1st day of October 1865 J Roberts
                On Sunday the 8th day of October 1865 J Roberts
                On Sunday the 15th day of October 1865 J Roberts
Page 117.
1865.  Marriage solemnized at the District Chapel in the Chapelry of Muker in the County of York
233  October  Francis Garth Butson  28  Bachelor  Joiner  Thwaite  Francis Butson  Joiner
     19 1865  Mary Coates           28  Spinster  -       Angram   William Coates  Farmer

Married in the District Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England ater banns
by me, John Roberts

This Marriage   {  Francis Garth Butson  }  in the    {  William Milner Butson
was solemnized  {                        }  Presence  {
between us,     {  Mary Coates           }  of us,    {  Margaret Isabella Butson
1871 census RG10 Piece 4872 Folio 18 Page 16

Civil Township of Muker
Village &c, of Thwaite
Ecclesiastical District of [Grinton struck out] Muker

Schedule 76  Thwaite

Francis G. Butson     Head  Mar    34     Joiner        Yorks Muker
Mary Butson           Wife  Mar       30  Joiners Wife  [Yorks Muker]
Francis John Butson   Son   Unmar  5      Scholar       [Yorks Muker]
Elizabeth Ann Butson  Daur  -         3                 [Yorks Muker]
Isabella Butson       Daur  -         1                 [Yorks Muker]

Transcribed from Census-1871-RG10-4872-18-16.jpeg by dh

1881 census RG11 Piece 4877 Folio 11 Pages 1 and 2

Civil Parish or Township of Muker
City or Municipal Borough of [struck out]
Municipal Ward of [struck out]
Parliamentary Borough of [struck out]
Town or Village or Hamlet of Thwaite
Urban Sanitary District of [struck out]
Rural Sanitary District of Reeth
Ecclesiastical Parish or District of Muker St Mary

Schedule 5  Thwaite

Francis G Butson      Head  Mar  44     Joiner & Farmer of 6 Acres  Yorks. Muker Thwaite
Mary Butson           Wife  Mar     41  Wife                        Yorks. Muker Angram
Francis J Butson      Son   Unm  15     Joiners Apprentice          Yorks. Muker Thwaite
Elizabeth Ann Butson  Daur  Unm     13  Scholar                     Yorks. Muker Thwaite
Isabella Butson       Daur          11  Scholar                     Yorks. Muker Thwaite
Jemima Butson         Daur          7   Scholar                     Yorks. Muker Thwaite

Transcribed from gbc_1881_4362206_00176.jpg, gbc_1881_4362206_00177.jpg, 
                 NRYRG11_4876_4882-0173.jpg and NRYRG11_4876_4882-0174.jpg by dh

1891 census RG12 piece 4034 folio 10 page: 2 and folio 11 page 3

Administrative County of York N. R.
Civil Parish of Muker
Municipal Borough of [blank]
Municipal Ward of [blank]
Urban Sanitary District of [blank]
Town or Village or Hamlet of Thwaite
Rural Sanitary District of Reeth
Parliamentary Borough or Division of Richmond
Ecclesiastical Parish or District of St. Marys

Schedule 16   Thwaite Village

Francis G. Butson    Head  M  54     Joiner & Carpenter  X _ _  Yorks; Muker, Thwaite
Mary Butson          Wife  M     52                             Yorks; Muker, Thwaite
Francis John Butson  Son   S  25     Joiner & Carpenter  _ X _  Yorks; Muker, Thwaite
Isabella Butson      Daur  S     21                             Yorks; Muker, Thwaite
Jemima Butson        Daur  S     17                             Yorks; Muker, Thwaite

Transcribed from Census-1891-RG12-4034-10-2.jpeg and Census-1891-RG12-4034-11-3.jpeg by dh

1901 census RG13 piece 4607 folio 11 page 1

1: Administrative County York
2: Civil Parish of Muker
3: Ecclesiastical Parish of Muker St Mary
4: County Borough, Municipal Borough, or Urban District of [blank]
5: Ward of Municipal Borough or of Urban District of [blank]
6: Rural District of Reeth part of
7: Parliamentary Borough or Division of Richmond
8: Town or Village or Hamlet of Thwaite

Schedule 5   Thwaite

Francis G. Butson  Head  M  64     Joiner & Wheelwright ["Carp" added later]  Own account  At home  Muker, Yorks.
Mary Butson        Wife  M     61                                                                   Muker, Yorks.
Jemima Butson      Daur  S     27                                                                   Muker, Yorks.

Schedule 6   Thwaite

Francis J. Butson  Head  M  35     Joiner & Wheelwright ["Carp" added later]  Worker       At home  Yorkshire Muker
Ann Butson         Wife  M     24                                                                   Yorkshire Muker
Garth Butson       Son      4                                                                       Yorkshire Muker

Transcribed from Census-1901-RG13-4607-11-1.jpeg by dh

Deaths Jan/Feb/Mar 1907
Butson  Francis Garth  70  Reeth  9d 545
1907.  Page 412
BUTSON Francis Garth of Thwaite Muker Yorkshire joiner died 21 January 1907 Probate York 27 June to Mary Butson
widow and Christopher Brunskill farmer Effects £79 10s.

File sources

Ref. Type File name
F1 Image GBPRS_YORKSHIRE_004003802_00215.jpg
F2 Image Census-1841-HO107-1246-3-21-9.jpeg
F3 Transcript Census-1841-HO107-1246-3-21-9-Butson.text
F4 Image Census-1851-HO107-2380-250-16.jpeg
F5 Transcript Census-1851-HO107-2380-250-16-Butson.text
F6 Image Census-1861-RG09-3672-19-17.jpeg
F7 Image Census-1861-RG09-3672-19-17.ancestry.jpeg
F8 Transcript Census-1861-RG09-3672-19-17-Butson.text
F9 Image gbprs_yorkshire_004003802_00569.jpg
F10 Image gbprs_yorkshire_13-0743_gb-yor_parish-registers-n-pr-muk-1-13-1537-1900_00118.jpg
F11 Image Census-1871-RG10-4872-18-16.jpeg
F12 Transcript Census-1871-RG10-4872-18-16-S76-Butson.text
F13 Image gbc_1881_4362206_00176.jpg
F14 Image gbc_1881_4362206_00177.jpg
F15 Image NRYRG11_4876_4882-0173.jpg
F16 Image NRYRG11_4876_4882-0174.jpg
F17 Transcript Census-1881-RG11-11-1-Butson.text
F18 Image Census-1891-RG12-4034-10-2.jpeg
F19 Image Census-1891-RG12-4034-11-3.jpeg
F20 Transcript Census-1891-RG12-4034-10-2.trx
F21 Transcript Census-1891-RG12-4034-11-3.trx
F22 Transcript Census-1891-RG12-4034-10-2-Butson.text
F23 Image Census-1901-RG13-4607-11-1.jpeg
F24 Transcript Census-1901-RG13-4607-11-1.trx
F25 Transcript Census-1901-RG13-4607-11-1-Butson.text
F26 Image 1907D1-B-0059.jpg
F27 Image 1907-Probate-FrancisGarthButson.jpeg
F28 Transcript 1907-Probate-FrancisGarthButson.txt

Last updated 2025-02-17 14:26 UTC
© David Haworth
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