The Lancashireman's family history

Red rose of Lancashire

Michael Hodgson

(1714 - 1768)

Father: Michael Hodgson (1653 - 1743)
Mother: Frances Steaney (1682 - 1737)


Other parents of half-siblings:
  1. Mother: Anne Thompson


With Margaret unknown


Date Event Information Sources
abt.1714-05-05 Birth
  • Estimated from baptism record
1714-05-20 Baptism
  • Place: St Cuthbert, Darlington
abt.1768-04-11 Death
  • Estimated from burial record
1768-04-14 Burial
  • Place: St Cuthbert, Darlington
  • Parish record:  F1  T3
  • Parish register:  F2  T4
abt.1768-05-01 Probate

Transcripts of sources

Ref. Transcript
Michael, son of Michael, of Field-house, bapt. 1714;
George, 1715;
Edward, &c. 1719.
Michael Hodgshon s/o Michael Hodgshon bap 20 May 1714 St. Cuthberts, Darlington
BUR - 14 Apr 1768 Michael Hodgson, of Field House, gentleman [Junior]
April 1768
14.  Michael Hodgson of Field House Gentleman, buried
Original will, dated 21 March 1766  (image 1)
Michael Hodgson  - testator
unnamed          - wife
Margaret Hodgson - daughter
Edward Hodgson   - son
Frances Hodgson  - daughter
Ann Hodgson      - daughter
Michael Hodgson  - eldest son, sole executor
Mary Newby       - witness
Thos Constable   - witness
Thos Terry       - witness

Codicil, dated 30th October 1767 (image 2)
Changes Edward's inheritance from bequest to annuity

Codicil, dated 29th March 1768 (image 3)
Margarett  - wife
Ambrose    - son

File sources

Ref. Type File name
F1 Image DarlingtonStCuthbert-1768-04-14-Bur-MichaelHodgson.png
F2 Image 3_1_S3HT-67K9-SYS.jpg
F3 Image 1766-Will-MichaelHodgson-1.jpg
F4 Image 1766-Will-MichaelHodgson-2.jpg
F5 Image 1766-Will-MichaelHodgson-3.jpg
F6 Image 1766-Will-MichaelHodgson-4.jpg
F7 Abstract 1766-Will-MichaelHodgson.txt

Last updated 2025-03-16 10:29 UTC
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