The Lancashireman's family history

Red rose of Lancashire

Thomas Horan

(abt.1863 - 1910)

Father: Thomas Horan
Mother: not known



With Isabella Butson


Date Event Information Sources
abt.1863 Birth
  • Estimated from marriage record
1904-10-25 Marriage
Isabella Butson (1869 - 1951)
  • Place: St John the Baptist, Halifax
  • Age: 41
  • Occupation: Stoker
  • Witness: Walter Trafford
  • Witness: Elizabeth Trafford
  • Parish record:  F1  T1
1910-01-06 Death
  • Abode: Greenhurst Hey, Todmorden
  • Age: 47
  • Burial record
  • Gravestone inscription (not buried here):  Link  F2  F3  T2
  • GRO index:  F4  T3
1910-01-08 Burial
  • Place: St Mary, Todmorden
  • Parish record:  F5  T4

Transcripts of sources

Ref. Transcript
1904.  Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Halifax in the County of York
No. 223  25th October 1904
Thomas Horan     41  Bachelor  Stoker  Pickthorn Terrace Stansfield  Thomas Horan (deceased)  Farmer
Isabella Butson  37  Spinster          Green Hurst Hey Stansfield    William Butson           Coachman
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church,
after Banns by me, Frank M Sykes
This Marriage was solemnized between us,  {  X The mark of Thomas Horan  }
                                          {  Isabella Butson             }
in the Presence of us,  {  Walter Trafford     }
                        {  Elizabeth Trafford  }
X Stone [in left margin, bracketing bride and groom]
Also of Thomas Horan son in law of the above who died January 6th 1910. Aged 47 years.
Deaths Jan/Feb/Mar 1910   Horan  Thomas  47  Todmorden  9a 155
BURIALS in the Parish of Todmorden in the County of Lancaster in the Year One thousand nine hundren and nine
No. 676  Thomas Horan  Green Hurst Hey  January 8th [1910]  47 years  J. E. Wareham

File sources

Ref. Type File name
F1 Image Marriage-ThomasHoran-IsabellaButson-1904-10-25-StJohnTheBaptistHalifax.jpeg
F2 Transcript Todmorden-ChristChurch-Memorials-16-34.html
F3 Transcript ChristChurchTodmorden-Butson-1.txt
F4 Image 1910D1-H-0162.jpg
F5 Image Burial-ThomasHoran-1910-01-08-StMaryTodmorden.jpeg

Last updated 2025-03-16 10:28 UTC
© David Haworth
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