The Lancashireman's family history

Red rose of Lancashire

James Lancaster

(abt.1833 - 1886)

Father: John Lancaster
Mother: not known



With Alice Hutchinson


Date Event Information Sources
abt.1833 Birth
  • Estimated from marriage record
1853-11-19 Marriage
Alice Hutchinson (1835 - 1879)
  • Place: St Mary the Virgin, Blackburn
  • Abode: Over Darwen
  • Age: 20
  • Occupation: Grinder
  • Witness: John Pilkington
  • Witness: Thomas Livesey
  • Parish record:  F1  T1
  • Parish record:  F2  T2
  • lan-opc:  Link  T3
1861-04-07 Census
  • Census record RG09-2852-16-25:  F3  F4  T4
1871-04-02 Census
  • Census record RG10-3959-32-58:  F5  F6  T5
1881-04-03 Census
  • Census record RG11-3867-24-42:  F7  F8  T6
1886 Death
  • Age: 53
  • lancashirebmd:  T7

Transcripts of sources

Ref. Transcript
Page 132.  1853.  Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Blackburn in the County of Lancaster
No. 263  19th Nov 1853
James Lancaster   20  Bachelor  Grinder  Over Darwen  John Lancaster     Carder
Alice Hutchinson  19  Spinster           Over Darwen  Squire Hutchinson  Collier
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church,
by [blank] or after Banns by me, Henry Burgess
This Marriage was solemnized between us,  {  James Lancaster            }
                                          {  Alice Hutchinson's X mark  }
in the Presence of us,  {  John Pilkington  }
                        {  Thomas Livesey   }
Page 149  MARRIAGES solemnized in the PARISH CHURCH of BLACKBURN in the County of LANCASTER in the Year 1853
James Lancaster of this Parish  Bachelor  Grinder
& Alice Hutchinson of this Parish  Spinster
were married in this Church by Banns
this Nineteenth Day of November
in the Year One Thousand eight hundred and fifty three
By me Henry Burgess
This Marriage was solemnized between us  {  James Lancaster
                                         {  Alice Hutchinson's X mark
In the Presence of  {  John Pilkington
                    {  Thomas Livesey
No. 446
Marriage: 19 Nov 1853 St Mary the Virgin, Blackburn, Lancs.
James Lancaster - 20 Grinder Bachelor of Over Darwen
Alice Hutchinson - (X), 19 Spinster of Over Darwen
    Groom's Father: John Lancaster, Carder
    Bride's Father: Squire Hutchinson, Collier
    Witness: John Pilkington; Thomas Livesey
    Married by Banns by: Henry Burgess
    Register: Marriages 1853 - 1854, Page 132, Entry 263
    Source: LDS Film 1278819
1861 census RG09 Piece 2852 Folio 16 Page 25

Parish or Township of Elton
Parliamentary Borough of Bury
Ecclesiastical District of All Saints

Schedule 141  21 Mill Street

James Lancaster           Head    Mar    27     Carder in Cotton Mill   [Lancashire] Over Darwin[sic]
Alice [Lancaster]         Wife    Mar       28  Rover in [Cotton Mill]  [Lancashire Over Darwin]
Mary Ann [Lancaster]      Daur              7   Scholar                 [Lancashire Over Darwin]
Nancy [Lancaster]         Daur              5   [Scholar]               [Lancashire Over Darwin] 
John Squire [Lancaster]   Son            1                              [Lancashire] Blackburn
Ann [Lancaster]           Mother  Widow     49  Housekeeper             [Lancashire] Houghton
Elizabeth [Lancaster]     Sister            15  Rover in Cotton Mill    [Lancashire] Over Darwin[sic]
John [Lancaster]          Brother        13                             [Lancashire Over Darwin]       Blind from B

Transcribed from Census-1861-RG09-2852-16-25.jpg by dh

1871 census RG10 Piece 3959 Folio 32 Page 58

Township of Elton
Parliamentary Borough of Bury
Town of Bury
Improvement Commissioners District of Bury
Ecclesiastical District of All Saints

Schedule 287  10 Mill St

James Lancaster        Head  Mar  37     Cotton Carder    [Lanc] Over Darwen
Alice [Lancaster]      Wife  Mar     37                   [Lanc] Bolton
Mary A [Lancaster]     Daur  Unm     17  Cotton Weaver    [Lanc] Over Darwen
Nancy [Lancaster]      Daur  Unm     15  [Cotton Weaver]  [Lanc Over Darwen]
Alice [Lancaster]      Daur          7   Scholar          [Lanc] Bury Elton
Elizabeth [Lancaster]  Daur          5   [Scholar]        [Lanc Bury Elton]
Catherine [Lancaster]  Daur          3   [Scholar]        [Lanc Bury Elton]
Ernest [Lancaster]     Son        4m                      [Lanc Bury Elton]

Transcribed from Census-1871-RG10-3959-32-58.jpg by dh

1881 census RG11 Piece 3867 Folio 24 Page 42

Township of Elton [Bury struck out]
Municipal Borough of Bury
Municipal Ward of Elton
Parliamentary Borough of Bury
Town of Bury
Urban Sanitary District of Bury
Ecclesiastical Parish of All Saints Elton

Schedule 213  10 Mill Street

James Lancaster        Head  Widr  47                    [Lancashire] Over Darwen
Elizabeth [Lancaster]  Daur           15  Cotton Carder  [Lancashire] Elton
Catherine [Lancaster]  Daur           13                 [Lancashire Elton]
Ernest [Lancaster]     Son         10     Scholar        [Lancashire Elton]
Robert [Lancaster]     Son         7      [Scholar]      [Lancashire Elton]

Transcribed from Census-1881-RG11-3867-24-42.jpg by dh

LANCASTER   James   53  1886    Elton   Lancashire  Bury    ELT/22/100

File sources

Ref. Type File name
F1 Image Marriage-JamesLancaster-AliceHutchinson-1853-11-19-StMaryTheVirginBlackburn-long.jpeg
F2 Image Marriage-JamesLancaster-AliceHutchinson-1853-11-19-StMaryTheVirginBlackburn-short.jpeg
F3 Image Census-1861-RG09-2852-16-25.jpg
F4 Transcript Census-1861-RG09-2852-16-25.text
F5 Image Census-1871-RG10-3959-32-58.jpg
F6 Transcript Census-1871-RG10-3959-32-58.text
F7 Image Census-1881-RG11-3867-24-42.jpg
F8 Transcript Census-1881-RG11-3867-24-42-Lancaster.text

Last updated 2025-03-16 10:28 UTC
© David Haworth
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