The Lancashireman's family history

Red rose of Lancashire

John Parsons

(1817 - ?)

Father: Robert Parsons (abt.1790 - 1829)
Mother: Alice Edmondson (1784 - 1848)



With Ellen Anderton


Date Event Information Sources
1817-10-13 Birth
  • Attestation record
1819-07-24 Attestation
  • Place: Baptist Chapel, Sabden
  • Chapel record:  F1  T1
1840-01-01 Marriage
Ellen Anderton (? - ?)
  • Place: St Mary and All Saints, Whalley
  • Parish record:  F2  T2
  • Parish record (banns):  F3  T3
  • lan-opc:  Link  T4
1841-06-07 Census
  • Abode: Step Row, Sabden
  • Age: 23
  • Occupation: Calico printer
  • Birthplace: Lancashire
  • Census record HO107-509-16-24-41:  F4
? Death
  • Assumed; date not known

Transcripts of sources

Ref. Transcript
29. John the Son of Robert and Alice Parsons was born October the 13th 1817
and his name publicly attested July 24th 1819
By me, Benjamin Medlock  Dispenting Minister  Sabden
1840.  Marriage solemnized at Whally Church in the Parish of Whally in the County of Lancaster
No. 57  Jan'y 1st
John Parsons    of full age  Bachelor  Calico Printer  Sabden  Robert Parsons  Calico Printer
Ellen Anderton  of full age  Spinster  Weaver          Sabden  John Anderton   Calico Printer
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church,
by me, H B Jones  Clk
This Marriage was solemnized betwee us,  {  John Parsons    }
                                         {  Ellen Anderton  }
in the Presence of us,  {  John Anderton  }
                        {  Thomas Chew    }
(Page 39) The Year 1839
No. 107  Banns of Marriage between
John Parsons of Pendleton  Bachelor
and Ellen Anderton Pendleton  Spinster
1st Time, Sunday, Dec'r  8, by HB Jones  Clk
2nd Time, Sunday, Dec'r 15, by HB Jones  Clk
1st Time, Sunday, Dec'r 22, by HB Jones
[written across entry] Married
Marriage: 1 Jan 1840 St Mary and All Saints, Whalley, Lancashire, England
John Parsons - Full Age Calico Printer Bachelor of Sabden
Ellen Anderton - Full Age Weaver Spinster of Sabden
    Groom's Father: Robert Parsons, Calico Printer
    Bride's Father: John Anderton, Calico Printer
    Witness: John Anderton; Thomas Chew
    Married by: H B Jones, Clk
    Register: Marriages 1837 - 1858, Page 29, Entry 57
    Source: LDS Film 1471099

File sources

Ref. Type File name
F1 Image Attest-JohnParsons-1819-07-24-BaptistChapelSabden.jpeg
F2 Image Marriage-JohnParsons-EllenAnderton-1840-01-01-StMaryAndAllSaintsWhalley.jpeg
F3 Image Banns-JohnParsons-EllenAnderton-1839-12-08-StMaryAndAllSaintsWhalley.jpeg
F4 Image Census-1841-HO107-509-16-24-41.jpeg

Last updated 2025-03-16 10:28 UTC
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