The Lancashireman's family history |
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WILFUL DAMAGE. - John Burrows, was summoned by Elizabeth Marland, for breaking two panes of glass, value 4s. - Defendant was fined 5s. and costs, and ordered to pay 4s. the amount of damage, or in default seven days' imprisonment.
DRUNKENNESS. - Edward Marland, labourer Nelson, on the evidence of P.C. Thornton, was fined 5s. and costs, for having been drunk on the 22nd ult. Mr. Dean, butcher, Colne, had to pay costs. Joseph Rushton, factory operative, Colne, was fined 5s. and costs, as was also Henry Wood, of Colne, for drunkenness.
WEDNESDAY. - Before His Worship the Mayor (Mr. H. D. Fielding), Messrs. J. Butterworth and R. J. Hurtley.
NOTORIOUS CHARACTERS. - Margaret Cainey and Elizabeth Marland were charged with fighting in Parker Lane on Tuesday night. - Both prisoners received a bad character, having been often previously before the court, and they were each fined 20s. and costs, or a month's imprisonment. - Ann Gleeson, who made her 47th appearance, and was described by the Mayor as incorrigible, was also fined 20s. and costs, or a month's imprisonment, for being drunk and disorderly the evening previous.
WEDNESDAY. - Before his Worship the Mayor (Ald. Baron) and Messrs. G. Sutcliffe, J. Duckett and R. J. Hurtley.
EXTENSIVE RAIDS ON BROTHELS. - HEAVY PENALTY. - Mary Simpson, 5a, Bethesda Street, was charged with keeping a brothel, and Patrick Mullen with aiding and abetting. - The Town Clerk prosecuted. - The Magistrate's Clerk (Mr. Nowell) said that under the new law the landlord was liable as well as the tenant. - Simpson was fined 40s. and costs and Mullen 5s. and costs. - Mary Ann Crooke and Ann Lowe, residing in the same house, were also summoned for the same offence, and John Turner, weaver, Brunshawe Road, for aiding and abetting. - Crooke and Lowe were both sent to gaol for one month without the option of a fine, and Turner was fined 5s. and costs. - James Dean, lodging-house keeper, Water Street, was summoned for keeping a brothel at 10 Water Street, and Elizabeth Marland and Elizabeth Barnaby, prostitutes, for aiding and abetting.. - Mr. Emmett defended Dean, who was informed by the Bench that if he repeated the offence he would be sent to gaol without the option of a fine, and was then fined £10 and costs, in default one month.
WEDNESDAY. - Before the Mayor (Alderman Keighley), J. S Collinge and J. Kay, Eqrs.
"ONE PADDY WILL STICK UP FOR ANOTHER." - Elizabeth Marland was summoned for assaulting Mark Gilmartin, landlord of the Butchers' Arms. - Complainant stated that a week the previous Saturday she went into the house and used abusive language. He ordered her out, and she threw something at him which hit him on the head, inflicting a wound from which blood oozed. - A witness gave corroborative evidence and stated that it was a stone covered with snow which the defendant threw at the complainant. - Defendant: It was a snowball. - Mr. Nowell: It is an old-fashioned snowball that will make such a wound in a man's head. - Defendant: But it was a snowball, and I picked it up within three yards of his house. - Mr. Nowell: Well, have you any witnesses to call to prove that it was a snowball? - Defendant: No; I am here myself. One "Paddy" will stick up for another, and I am an Englishwoman, and you can do as you like with me. That witness of his lodges with him, and of course he has to say what his landord says. Besides, he bit me and there's the marks of his teeth yet on my arm. - Mr. Nowell: But you did not ask him anything about that. - Defendant: No, I know I didn't. I don't cry about a drop of blood like him. - Inspector Close: She has been here 22 times before. - Defendant was fined 5s. and costs.
THURSDAY. - Before G. Sutcliffe and R. J. Hurtley, Esqrs.
JUVENILES IN TROUBLE. - Jane Moore (10) and Mary Moore (8), sisters, living with their parents at 12, Delph-street, were charged with stealing a pair of gloves, a feather and a hat valued at 3s. 6d., the property of three stall-owners in the Burnley Market on Monday last. - In answer to the Bench, one of the complainants said she was not derirous of pressing the charge, and Mr. Rawlinson, Clerk to the School Board, said the children always attended school regular, and had done very well. - Mr. Sutcliffe severely cautioned the children and dismissed the case.
A QUICK RETURN. - Elizabeth Marland, a disorderly character, was charged with being drunk and disorderly. On Wednesday she was found in Hammerton street in a drunken condition by a police-constable who took her into custody. Inspector Robinson said on the previous day she was fined 10s. and costs, and during the present year had been six times convicted for drunkenness. Altogether she had been before the court twenty-six times for various offences, principally drunkenness. Fined 10s. and costs.
TUESDAY. - Before J. Folds, B. W. Briggs, J. W. Phillips, T. Edmondson, and N. P. Gray, Esqs.
WARNING TO BEGGARS. - Geo. Neylon was, on the evidence of P.S. Pye, committed for 14 days for begging from door to door in Forrest-street the previous day.
HER 28TH APPEARANCE. - Elizabeth Marland, who had 27 previous convictions recorded against her, was fined 10s. and costs, or 14 days, for being drunk and disorderly in Manchester-road the previous night.
WEDNESDAY. - Before the Mayor and G. Sutcliffe, H. Jobling and R. J. Hurtley, Esqrs.
MISCELLANEOUS. - There were nine adjourned summonses for breaches of the Education Acts, in each of which arrangements were made. - Several persons were summoned for non-payment of rates, and orders were made where the cases had not previously been arranged. - There were ten cases arising out of drunkenness. Amongst the latter class of defendants John Nutter made his 45th appearance, and Elizabeth Marland her 29th, and were characterised by Inspector Robinson as "two of the worst characters in the town." Defendants were each fined 5s. and costs.
Last evening the monthly meeting of the Brierfield Local Board was held, Mr. Shackleton presiding. There were also present - Messrs. Howorth, Armstrong, Broughton, and Horsfall. - New Buildings. - A plan of nine houses to be erected in Towneley-street for Mr. Thos. Berry, and another of a house in Carlton-street for Mr. C. Butson were approved. A partial estate plan of Mount Pleasant Farm, belonging to the trustees of Mr. R. Landless, was also approved.
BURNLEY BOROUGH. - WEDNESDAY. - Before the Mayor (T. Thornber, Esq.), G. Sutcliffe, G. Keighley, J. Rawlinson and W. Berry, Esqrs.
WHAT ABOUT THE CHILD? - Elizabeth Marland, who appeared in court with a child in her arms, was summoned by Kate Thompson, of Brick-street, for committing wilful damage by breaking four windows. - The complainant said the defendant used very bad language towards her, in addition to smashing the windows. - Defendant was fined 5s. and costs, and ordered to pay the damage, 1s. 8d. - Marland: Thank you; I hope you will send this baby to the workhouse until I come out. (Laughter.)
Jan. 5. - James Leech, Workhouse, 57 years.
-"- 7. - Mary Astin, 3, Adamson-st, 81 yrs.
-"- 8. - Wm. Crabtree, 15, Barracks-road, 61 years,
-"- 8. - Agnes Pilling, 175, Oxford-road, 64 years.
-"- 8. - Hannah Schofield, Victoria Hospital, 45 years.
-"- 9. - James Colliver, Worsthorne, 37 yrs.
-"- 9. - John Dickinson, 46, Padiham-road, 70 years.
-"- 9. - Daniel Rushworth, 12, Hart-street, 18 years.
-"- 9. - Joshua Marland, 13, Tarleton-street, 42 years.
-"- 10. - Wm. Baldwin, 77, Rectory-road, 59 years.
-"- 10. - Wm. Ridehalgh, Lowerhouse, 59 yrs.
-"- 10. - Harriet Porter, 130, Padiham-road, 57 years.
-"- 11. - Bannister Hargreaves, 19, Belford-street, 72 years.
HER 35TH CONVICTION - At the Borough Police Court, yesterday, before T. Hirst and T. Hoghton, Esqrs., Elizabeth Marland, an elderly woman, was charged with refusing to work in the Workhouse on the previous afternoon. - Mr. Adam Howarth (Workhouse master) proved the case. - Prisoner, who had 34 previous convictions recorded against her, was committed to prison for seven days.
CLITHEROE TRADESMEN V. DOWNHAM. - At Downham, on Wednesday. Clitheroe Tradesmen scored 140 for nine wickets, closing their innings, and got rid of Downham for 20.
PAPER CO. V. BANK TOP GOODS DEPARTMENT. - At Clifton, on Wednesday evening, and resulted in a decisive win for the Paper Co.
The Paper Co. won the toss and sent in J. Marland and R Wrathall, but the last-named was done with at eight, his share being three. Evans, Burrell, and Ellans were the next batters but did not succeed in getting many runs. Marland meanwhile had been keeping his wicket up well. With the score at 36 for four wickets, Allison came in, and despite all efforts to dislodge them, the pair carried the score to 68 for four wickets, at which point the papermen declared; Marland being not out for a well-played 50, whilst Allison had eight to his credit. The Railway men then commenced batting, but the bowling of Evans and R. Wrathall was very destructive, with the result that the whole side were bundled out for 15. Evans secured five wickets for three runs, whilst Wrathall captured four wickets for eight.
On Sunday morning the body of an elderly man was taken from the Leeds and Liverpool Canal near Niffany Bridge, Skipton. Inquiries elicited the fact that the deceased was Peter Butson, factory operative, of Brierfield, who had been to see his relatives at Skipton, and had evidently, in walking to his destination, got into the water late on Saturday night.
On Monday evening, before Mr. C. P. Charlesworth, deputy coroner, an inquest was held touching the death of Butson, who was aged 54 years. - The evidence went to show that Butson paid a visit to Skipton on Saturday and called upon his relatives at the Fleece Inn. He stayed there until after eight o'clock, and departed for home. There was then no suspicion of his having had too much liquor, the landlord informing the jury that he had only had two glasses of beer and several bottles of mineral waters. The next trace of the deceased was at 11.30 p.m., when he was seen by a Skiptonian named Walter Ellison on Belmont Bridge. Deceased was the worse for liquor, and went in the direction of the railway station. Next morning the body was found in the canal by Thos. Gill, milkman. There was a wound on the back of the head. It had evidently been recently inflicted.
The jury found a verdict of "Found drowned," and added that there was no evidence to show how the wound on deceased's head had been caused, but probably it was accidentally sustained prior to death. The Deputy Coroner added that in all fairness to the landlord of the Fleece Inn, it should be stated that there was no proof of the deceased having obtained too much drink there.
BUTSON. -- On the 16th inst., Sophia Butson. -- 25, Francis-street.
Interment, Wednesday, Haggate Baptist Burial Ground, cortege leaving home 1-30.
--Burnley Co-op. Soc., Ltd. Tel. 3169.
The remains were laid to rest in Haggate Baptist burial ground last Wednesday of Mrs. Sophia Butson, of 25, Francis-street, Burnley, who died last Saturday in hospital. In her 73rd year, she was a member of the former Mount Zion Church, at one time being associated with the choir. Councillor H. Hargreaves offered prayers at at home, and at Haggate he was assisted by Mr. W. E. Thornber. Floral tributes were received from: Sister Alice, Cissie and Peggy; Alice and Fred; Wilfred and Alice; Doris; George and baby Doreen; Mrs. Tattersall and Sally; Mrs. Herbert Procter, John and Evelyn; and many others. --Burnley Co-op. Society carried out the arrangements.
The funeral took place last Friday from his home, 81 Waterloo-road, Burnley, of Mr. John Thomas Butson ___, whose death occurred suddenly the previous Monday. A native of Burnley, Mr. Butson had lived the whole of his life in the Burnley Wood district. He served throughout the Great War with the East Lancs. Regiment in Egypt and France, and he was also a member of the NIOOF Frugality Lodge, at one time having served on the committee. Mr. Butson was a shhet metal worker and had been employed at various local works. He leaves a widow. The Rev. Philip Burrow officiated at the funeral. Arrangements by Burnley Co-op.
"How he got into the water is an entire mystery," said the East Lancashire Coroner (Mr. F Rowland), at an inquest at Brierfield yesterday on Thomas Wm. Butson (78), retired grocer, 14 Laurier-road, Burnley, whose body was recovered from the Leeds and Liverpool Canal on Thursday.
Frank Butson, grocer, 16, Queen's-road, Burnley, son, said his father retired from business five years ago, and since then he had not enjoyed good health. He had been unable to sleep and had been medically attended, the doctor having stated that he was suffering from senile decay. At 7:30 on Thursday morning he was informed by his mother that his father had not brought her a cup of tea to bed as was his usual custom. He went into his father's bedroom and found that it had been slept in, but he was not there. Witness proceeded to search the Reedley district, where his father usually went walks, and at the Reedley Police Station was told that his body had been recovered from the canal. His father had no financial worries, and did not appear to be in any way depressed.
In reply to the Coroner, witness said his father was not a sleep-walker.
Sylvia Winifred Pollard, 23, Berkeley-street, Brierfield, said that while walking along the canal bank on her way to her work she saw the body in the water near Oliver Bridge.
P.W.R. Gregson gave evidence of recovering the body.
Returning a verdict of "Found drowned" with no evidence to show how he came to be drowned, the Coroner said that apparently he had lived happily with his wife, and there was no suggestion that the balance of his mind had been disturbed.
BUTSON.--In loving memory of my dear husband John Thomas, who died Jan. 31st, 1944.
I miss his smile, his kindly ways,
With him I spent my happiest days,
I miss him when I need a friend,
On him I always could depend.
--From his loving Wife
The funeral took place at Lytham St. Annes Park Cemetery on Friday of Mrs. Mary Butson (80), of Windermere-road, South Shore, Blackpool, who was born in Brierfield and had lived in Blackpool for 40 years. Before the interment a service was held at Holy Trinity Church, South Shore. Canon F. B. Freshwater, vicar of St. Stephen's-on-the-Cliffs, Blackpool, officiated.
To-day, 40 relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. A, Butson 27, Commercial - street, Brierfield, will meet at a local cafe to celebrate the couple's 50th wedding anniversary.
Mr. Butson has seen many changes in the township since he was born in Smith-street in 1872. At the age of 10 he worked as a half-timer, getting half a crown for a 56-hour week. When he and his wife were married their total weekly income was £2 2s. Fifty-three of the 60 working years of Mr. Butson were spent at Veevers' Mill. He has been a member of Walter-street Working Men's Club since it opened 53 years ago. Mrs. Butson, who was born in Barnoldswick in 1877, came to Brierfield at the time of her marriage at Burnley-road Methodist Church. She worked for Messrs. Veevers for 35 years retiring at the age 60. She also started work at the age of 10. Both are members of the Old Age Pensions Association, and attended last Saturday's Christmas party.
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